董事会 on Professional Responsibility


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规则十一 confers on the 董事会 on Professional Responsibility the authority to adjudicate cases of attorney misconduct and disability 和 responsibility for administering the disciplinary system. The nine-member 董事会 is appointed by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals and includes seven attorneys and two members of the public. 董事会 members are unpaid volunteers and are eligible to serve two three-year terms.

董事会 满足 twice a month for 11 months of the year. Its caseload includes the review of recommendations for discipline by the 听到委员会s, and cases referred by the Court of Appeals, including criminal conviction referrals, reciprocal discipline matters, petitions for negotiated discipline, and petitions for reinstatement. 董事会 also considers petitions for emergency temporary suspension of attorneys. If a party objects to a 听到委员会 recommendation, all nine members of the 董事会 will hear 口头陈述, unless they are recused or otherwise unable to participate. A 董事会 member is assigned to each case and prepares a formal report for review by the full 董事会, 哪一个, 如果得到批准, 已提交法院. 董事会 also has the authority to issue 最终纪律命令 驳回投诉, orders directing Disciplinary Counsel to issue letters of informal admonition, and orders imposing reprimands. All these orders are subject to review by the Court of Appeals.

董事会’s administrative responsibilities include the promulgation of 程序性规则 and policies, preparation of the 董事会’s budget, and oversight of the 董事会’s Office of the Executive AttorneyOffice of Disciplinary Counsel. 董事会还负责任命 听到委员会 members to preside at hearings and oversees their training. 除了, the 董事会 hosts an annual Disciplinary Conference, 哪一个 discusses a topic of interest to the disciplinary system. The conference is attended by Judges of the Court of Appeals 和 D.C. 高等法院, present and former 董事会 and 听到委员会 members, the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, 被告澳门赌场官网, 和 leadership and staff of the District of Columbia 酒吧.


伯纳黛特C. Sargeant椅子
罗伯特·L. 沃克副主席
莎拉K. 布卢门撒尔
玛格丽特•米. 卡西迪
托马斯·E. Gilbertsen
威廉五世. 辛德
莎朗·R. Rice-Hicks
Michael E. Tigar
莱斯利·H. 明镜


Below is the schedule of upcoming 董事会 on Professional Responsibility meetings.



Hearing and Oral Argument Schedule

Hearing and Oral Argument Schedule

An upcoming schedule of hearings and 口头陈述s held in Courtroom II of the Historic Courthouse of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.

规则 of the 董事会 on Professional Responsibility

规则 of the 董事会 on Professional Responsibility

11月6日生效, 2018, the 董事会 on Professional Responsibility has amended its rules of procedure.



Various 董事会 on Professional Responsibility forms and documents.



Disciplinary system recommendations and actions are available from 1979 to the present and updated as information is received from the Office of Disciplinary Counsel and 董事会 on Professional Responsibility.
